Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Woes of the Motherhood

在她小手指上, 在我心上...
(Direct translation: Pain on her small finger, more pain in my heart...)

Kesian to see this bandage...

The above sentence really explain how I felt on the 23 December 2011. Though my husband, my sister in law and my mother in law comforted me that accident does happen, I still cannot forgive myself. I think this is the worst Christmas gift that Annabelle gotten from me.

In the morning, after her feed; I had to cut her finger nails as I can see scratches appeared on her tummy and also the corner of her eyes. I started with the left hand, 3rd finger, 4th finger; and finally the small finger; I heard "ahh!!" from Annabelle. Then, all that I know I accidentally cut her skin and blood started to flow out from the wound. I had to wake Ivan up and told him what happened and I quickly rush down to take some ice from the freezer. Annabelle was not crying but she felt irritated as me and the father were holding her hand so that she does not move her fingers. Ivan was so calm and I was really shivering and crying away. I cannot forgive myself that I had cut my daughter and hurt her.

Ivan put her small finger into the ice but the blood is just not stopping. We tried to press it with cotton and even yellow lotion, it still continues flowing like water. I got even more panic and all that I want to do is to bring her to a doctor.

In my pyjamas, we rush to the nearest 24 hours clinic; but the clinic was closed and it does not operate as 24 hours. On the way, I covered her finger with her handkerchief and I can see that the blood is soaking through the area that I covered. Annabelle was calm but a little fidget, she was falling asleep in my arm. We decided to sent her to GH Klang Kecemasan.

We reached the Unit Kecemasan, registered her, the MO checked on her and told me that she is okay except need to inspect the wound. I thank God that it was still early and there were no crowd at the centre; we were called and MO inspected her wound and I was told that injury was only on the surface of the skin and told me to compress the wound as they can't apply any medication due to her age. After awhile, the bleeding was slow down but still not stopping. The MO came in and try to bandage her little finger. We were told to wait for 20 minutes to see if the bleeding stop. Finally, it stopped. Thank God for that. We went home then.

Annabelle is really a stong baby. She just cry not because she is in pain but I was holding her hand and fingers. She slept for awhile when we were at home. When she got up, she was playing and remain as active as before. Before her bath, her bandage has came out of it and I can see that the wounded area start to dry up and skin is healing.

See the blood stains and the nail clipper

Still playing well and wanted the papa to carry.

Slept well with the small finger sticking out...
Oh my God! Till now, I still can't forgive myself of being so carelesss that I hurt my daughter. I was tearing so much that my daughter probably can't recognize me :). :p..  Though I know accident does happen, if I could have cut her nails when she is asleep, this may not happen. I also know that I can't avoid from cutting her nails in the future, all that I will do is to be more careful, do it when she is asleep and pray hard. Ai... what an gift of Christmas...

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Pneumococcal Jab & Rotavirus Vaccine

I think every child grown up by going through numerous types of vaccinations and also immunisation. Annabelle has no exception to it. When I was in my pregnancy months, I heard this "pneumococcal" name many times from my sister ~ Nicole. She used to tell me it sounded like "butter coco"...

Yesterday, we decided to give her rotavirus vaccine and pneumococcal jab. Since Annabelle was still having cough, Dr. Tan has checked and told that it is fine to administer the doses as she is recovering and her lungs are clear. Dr. Tan started by giving Annabelle rotavirus vaccine. Hoo... hoo..., it is a syringe of clear thick liquid. Doctor put it slowly little by little into her mouth, being Annabelle who loves sweet sweet stuff; she takes it like candy... She open her eyes big enough looking at the doctor while "yummy" down the liquid... I am glad to see it. Then, we were asked to turn Annabelle to her side. Yes, getting ready for her jab! This is not her first time receive injections, she had gone through 3 times respectively during her 1st, 2nd and 3rd month. I had to hold on to a toy to distract her while the doctor poke the needle to her thigh. "A... ahhhh" Annabelle cried and stop immediately when I carried her up from the bed. Ivan and I were so proud of her. Doctor Tan also surprise and praise her ""Good Girl". and say that she is very brave, (a side note: this good girl will go into her good girl book).

"Annabelle, there are 1 more rotavirus vaccine and 3 more "coccal" jab to go. Stay on strong and be good! Papa and mummy and doctor will give you "good girl" into your book"

Monday, 19 December 2011

When the mummy is away...

Annabelle is not well again. It is the season of cough, flu and fever? She was down with cough and flu on Friday. Poor little girl, whenever she cough I can hear phlegms forming too. Went and see the paede, she said it is a normal virus and given us some medication.

On Saturday, I needed to work for half a day (11am to 3.30pm) for education fair at PWTC. It is part of my duty as a lecturer to attend education fair. Ivan had to swap his Saturday duty to accommodate this. I had been having the worries that if Annabelle is going to be okay with him for half a day. On top of my worries, Annabelle is not feeling well. I had no choice to "tabah hati" to go off for work. Ivan sent me to PWTC at 9.30am, as I was just about to settle down; I receive 2 missed call from him. He told me that bb is crying and refuse to drink milk, refuse to eat medicine, refuse to sleep. I was totally panic as I had not even start my day of work. I told Ivan to "Hang it there!" I will try to leave a little earlier to come home".

15 minutes later, I text Ivan to see if everything is okay. This is the text I received" She shat on me... Then I clean and wipe her...Then she cry still... then try to give her milk she still cry... then I give her medicine and water she still cry... I give her puting she still cry... Try to dodo her she cry... So in conclusion she cry lor...". Can you imagine how I felt when I saw this message? My heart really sink and hope that the time is now 3.30pm, I can fly home. At 1++pm, Ivan told me that "She is sleeping n he will fine with her."  With this sms, I was able to breath a little.

Finally, I spoken to one of my colleague and ask Sathya for approval for earlier leave, I rush home. Sometime, God is really testing me; the more I wanted to get home earlier the train was late, was packed with people that I can't squeeze it. Finally, I managed to reach home at about 5pm... Saw Annabelle and she gave me a smile on her face. Immediately, I carried her and comforted her. I could tell Ivan was exhausted (as he himself is not well).

I really proud of my husband that though Annabelle was fussy Ivan was still able to feed her milk eventually, feed her one dose of medicine and put her to sleep at last.

As I was reflecting what happened yesterday, I suddenly thought of my mother. How she was able to take care of 4 of us when we were young? Did we cry as much when she was away? Now that I am a mother, I can fully relate to her feeling and understand the responsible of a mother.

To my husband: I am so so proud of you... You are right! You are always by my side. I will definately going to tell your daughter in the near future how her papa took care of her when she was fussy and when the mummy is away...

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Her 1st Performance

11 Dec 2011. Annabelle's daycare centre (Selektif Day Care) has its annual day. It is a nice day with good weather. Annabelle was in her first sleeveless "cutie" dress, little pinky clip on her hair; she is all ready to go for her performance. As parents, we were only told that she is going to perform; but we have no idea at all what she is going to do. At 3.30pm, we were the first who reached the daycare. The centre was well ready for the function ~ chairs were arranged, food were spread on the table, colourful deco were up on the wall, music was on, Auntie Seleen and Auntie Letchumi too were well dressed. We took our seat, set the camera on the tripod to get ready for the event. Guests started to come in then.
At about 4.15pm, the function started. Children were singing and dancing. Annabelle was so excited and focusing and listening to them. At one point, Auntie Letchumi came around and carried Annabelle from my hand. Yes, her time for performance. I wouldn't say much here, I bet you had seen the video. Isn't it nice?! All performances ended at about 5+pm. We enjoyed it so much.Wait...it just not the end; we need to also participate in game. "Passing the parcel". It really brought back lots of memory, sitting in the group, passed the parcel while the songs played. We need to dance if the parcel stop on you. Hahaha.. really lots of fun for me and Ivan. (Annabelle was sleeping while the game was ON else I guess she will be one in the group too). Finally, the day come to end; we had our present from both Auntie Seleen and Auntie Letchumi. We left home with a smile on our face... (Oh... by the way! Annabelle's excitement hasn't ended then; she was so so active and excitement even when she is at home)...
What worth mentioned is, with a small daycare centre; a lot of effort is put in making this event a fun and happy one. I am totally impressed with the TLC (Tender, Loving, Care) that they gave to the children. I trust, lots of effort has been put in the performance (with costume too), rehearsal, food preparation and of course the prayer for a good weather of the day. Well Done! Selektif DayCare...

Friday, 9 December 2011

Come and Take your Toy

Annabelle really brighten our day every morning. She makes us smile, laugh before we go to work... This video explains it. This is funny! Ivan said it right, "mummy you did not say HOW I should reach my toy, so I find this way is the best for me to grab my toy toy..."

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Vegetarian Thursday

Today is Thursday, both me and Ivan are going to be vegetarian. In fact, we are one on every Thursday. Many people ask me on the reason why? The reason is pretty simple. It is for a thanksgiving reason. Many use many other method to Thank God for HIS goodness.
For many years since we got married, we prayed for a child. I vowed to God before, if ever we are blessed with a healthy child, we are going to be vegetarian for a year. On 4 Aug 2011, Annabelle was born. It was a Thursday. Me and Ivan thought it is a good day to observe vegetarian, to thank God for his goodness on a Thursday. That's explained the reason....

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Annabelle & Her Schedule

If anyone were to say baby knows little, I will strongly say no...

For Annabelle, her weekday routine will be:
6am - 6.30am: Get ready/ Be feed with milk
6.45am - 7am: Out from the house to baby daycare centre ~ (called Amma's House).
5.45pm - 6.30pm: Annabelle will be pick up from the daycare centre

Since Annabelle will be doing the same routine daily, few mornings, I had noticed that around 6.30am; she becoming very restless and wanted to get out from the bedroom as she knows that after our morning prayer, we will send her to the daycare. She will cry and do not want to be sitted down, as I stand up and ready to go, she will give me a big smile. See that, baby really learn their schedule too. The moment, we reach Amma's house, she will be carry by the daycare Auntie (Auntie Letchumi/ Auntie Seleen). Annabelle will turn her back from us and her eyes will look straight into the house.

Again in the evening, when I reach Amma's house; me and Auntie were just spending about 10 minutes outside the house talking about Annabelle and her behaviour today; Annabelle again knows that "It is time to go back, quick Mummy!!!" she is showing me impatient look and keep wanting me to walk away from the house. Gosh! See that!!! Kid today is really smart! I am wondering was I like that last time???!!! Like my parents always said: "It is the formula they take make them smarter...", hahahah (I am still breastfeeding, so I guess my milk make her smart... kakaka)...

Friday, 2 December 2011

"Good Girl" & "Naughty Girl" Book

Hahaha.. recently Ivan and I had come out with this "good girl" and "naughty girl" book concept for Annabelle. Though we know that this is so kesian to put her into this, I think it is quite a good idea to record what she has done. Sometime, we thought instead of just saying "good girl" to her verbally; it is worthwhile to record it in a book (sort of journal) so that she can review when she is older or in the future. I think it is also a good way to discipline a child as if she noticed that she has a lot of "naughty girl" remark, she can change it accordingly and will not repeat the same thing. So, today we are going to get her a cute little notebook to record these details. So far, Annabelle has already gotten 6 good; and I can't actually remember the naughty girl part... so, leave it that way first...