Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Cameron Highlands Trip - 25 May --27 May 2012

Mind you... this is a very long post about our trip...  I really love to jot this down as this is a wonderful trip. Enjoy reading it...

It was an awesome, enjoyable, wonderful, peaceful, and blessed trip. Weather was good, hotel was clean and comfortable, places are interesting, journey was good too... all these are really a good memory for me and Ivan and of course baby Annabelle.

DAY 1 (25 May 2012)

This is consider our first family trip together. We started our journey at 6.15am and Ivan was the sole driver along the way to and fro Cameron Highland (CH). Annabelle was told about the trip way ahead of time, she seems to know it and woke up on time for the trip. A night before, we had all things packed and checked. We had a good sleep so that we can have a good journey.

We used Simpang Pulai as an alternative road to Tapah to Cameron Highlands taking consideration of Annabelle and if she can get used to the windy road. Though the journey to Simpang Pulai is 40 minutes further than Tapah to Cameron Highlands, it was worth the time as the road is much better. We reached Kampang Raja town and we had our breakfast. The weather was just nice and cooling.

After breakfast, we continue our journey up the highland to Tanah Rata to check on our Heritage Hotel. We were there earlier (10.30am), but thank God that the reception was good allow us to check in earlier. We got Room 358 (new wing of the hotel). I must say that the hotel and the room was really comfortable. We had all that we need for the room. The hotel has all the amenities included reading library, game room, and playland for children. (No promotion for them but pleased with their services). Annabelle felt very comfortable in the room and crawling all over the place and smiling. :) After settled down, I fed Annabelle with the food that I prepared; she had a nice lunch before we went out for sight seeing and visiting.

1st stop: Cactus Point @ Brinchang. We are not so much a cactus lover, just walk around and look see for some plant and took a shot while baby was sleeping.

2nd stop: Lunch @ one of the Brinchang Chinese Restaurant. We ordered some simple yet delicious Chinese dishes. Had a good feast and head off to the hotel for a nap as Ivan and I were tired as the day started early.

Evening, we were at the Brinchang Pasar Malam. Gosh! It was just about 5pm, the pasar already filled with people. Lots of veges, local food, fruit and also souvenir. We grab some veges and stem sweet potatoes as snack before heading on to the Steamboat Restaurant. Wow... talking about steamboat, we really enjoyed it a lot as it goes down very well with the cooling weather. After dinner, baby was already ZZzzzz, we took a drive back to the hotel, put her to sleep. We had some DVD with us, managed to watch one of them before sleeping... (but according to Ivan, the DVD watches me rather than I watch it... hahahah)

DAY 2 (26 May 2012)
Second day of the trip was a early start as well. At 7.30am, we were down at the Rainforest Restaurant for the Hotel's breakfast. The breakfast served varieties of food from Nasi Lemak, Mee Goreng, Pan Cake, Porridge, Western Food, Meehun Soup and many more. I was so happy with the selection they had. Though Annabelle has her feed of 4oz of milk, she still enjoyed the porridge very much and of course the pancake. We had a good breakfast, took a family picture and started our journey of "Countryside Leisure Tour".


09:00am - Pick up from hotel (We were in a Hiace Van of 10 people + 1 child, Rajesh our tour guide from Cameron Secret Tour and Travel, was very good, giving us all the necessary tour information and explanation clearly)

09:30am - Visit to the Rose Centre in Kea Farm (took some nice photo of roses and other flowers, failed to climb up the viewpoint but really had some nice photo session at the lower stage of the place)

10:00am - Visit to a Strawberry Farm (Raju's Strawberry Farm, I must mentioned that they have the nicest Strawberry milk shake and Strawberry's Lassi. Ivan loved it so much that we went back on the last day to taste it again before leaving CH)

10:30am - Stop at viewpoint at the Sungai Palas BOH Tea Plantation for photography as well as a commentary by our guide on tea-picking, tea processing, and the variations between the different types of tea found on the open market. (We grab a cup of Teh Tarik from the centre, nice and tasty. Went back to the place we first "pak-tol" and took a snap too...)

11.40am: Visit to the Butterfly and Insect Farm. This is a nice place for Annabelle. She knows what is butterflies from her play mat back home. She was so fascinated with them and probably butterflies like baby, many of them rest on her head, her shoulder but none came to me :(

12.30pm: Visit to Bee's Farm. Original plan was to walk down the valley and have a visit. But when seeing the bees are all flying around, we had cancelled our plan and walk to the nearby Fruit, Vegetable & Flower Market for some shopping.

01:15pm - Visit to the Sam Poh Tong Buddhist Temple. The temple is so quiet and we really feel the peace when we were in there. We met a monk and lighted a lamp for peace of the family and pray in our way for our God's goodness.

01:30pm - Return to hotel

As you can see that our itenerary was just so nicely arranged. Though we need to pay RM25 each for the journey, we prefer this as we do not need to drive through the small and narrow path to the Tea Farm and find for car park at each destination. Our tour guide is also a local who is able to know the best road and best way to drive around. This really save hassle and less stress on us.

We had lunch at one of the Nyonya and Local Restaurant at Tanah Rata. We ordered food that can actually cater for 5 people but we both managed to "habis" them... so "wei sek"....

We went back to the hotel right after that for some moment of hibernation. But our dear baby refuse to sleep, she wants to play. I was so tired, so Ivan was so nice; brought Annabelle down to the Hotel's playland and play and had some bonding time. I had a good 1 hour beauty sleep.

Evening, we decided not to go out as the day was just so tiring. Annabelle was already "battery-kong" then. She was nicely snoring away on the bed. We ordered some hotel food. Who say hotel food not nice! You are wrong! We were enjoying ourselves with another DVD...

The day ended with a smile on our face. We went to bed and looking forward for tomorrow.

DAY 3 (27 May 2012) -- Sunday

Sunday, after breakfast; we took a walk to the nearby church for mass. Who knows that the mass is celebrated at the old chapel. We walked back to the hotel, took the car and drove to the old chapel. We were 15 minutes late from mass. :P.We met Fr. Eugene and managed to have a quick chat with him before leaving back to the hotel.

We packed and get everything ready for checkout. By 11.30am, we had checkout from the hotel and took some last few shot of photos around the hotel before leaving.

As we need to get some stuff before heading home, we did stop at the Kea Farm Market for a quick shop of veges and fruits. (Thanks to the Policeman who walking around to saman cars that were packed on the roadside, else we will have more time to shop around). Ooppps... forgotten to mention that we also stop at the road side for a Durian's Feast as I was craving for it and Ivan has kept his promise to belanja me... Yeah!!!

We had a nice trip driving back. Annabelle was Zzzzz from Brinchang all the down to Gopeng where we stopped for KFC for lunch at 4.30pm.

"As an overall, the journey is really so nice and enjoyable. I do not have much words to describe other than "We had quality time and love time together!" I hope God will bless us with more time as such and we really looking forward for another holiday!...."

Thursday, 24 May 2012


It was a busy Sunday as after church and Ivan's Sunday School classes, we planned to bring Annabelle to the Saloon to trim her hair as her hairs are touching her eyes and caused irritation. After hair cut, went home to bath Annabelle. After bath, received phone call from Amma to join them for lunch at Exotic Restaurant near Tengku Kelana. We 3 got ready and left the house for lunch.

After lunch, as we reached home; Annabelle gets a little cranky as the weather was so hot and really burning. I looked out for her pacifier. Search... Search... can't seem to locate it. I suspected that I left it in the restaurant. We thought that is all right, we shall get to 99 to buy a new one for her; and at the same time we called Amma to check on it at the restaurant.

Annabelle don't seem liking the new pacifier but she still suck on it when she slept that afternoon as probably she is very tired.

That evening, I told Ivan that we need to find the same pacifier as Annabelle is not too happy about the pacifier and refuse to take it as how she used to. We left to AEON Jusco Bukit Tinggi to search for it, no avail; but still bought 2 sort of alike pacifier for Annabelle. That night, she did not sleep well probably of the new pacifier.

The next day, I went online to Mummies Connect to check with the mummies where I can get the same pacifier (based on the cap and the sling I had); thank God that two mummies confirmed that they got theirs from Jusco. We had decided to do a last search at AEON Jusco Bukit Raja. We had said that if we couldn't get it still, we will just wean her off from it. No choice.!

Da... Tha... ta.... We found it at AEON Jusco Bukit Raja. Right away, we bought two for Annabelle. Back home, after the sterilize process, Annabelle took the pacifier and putting in her mouth, chew it and suck it like before. Thank God!

Though, I know that pacifier is not good to an extent; I had no choice for now. When comes the time I need to wean her off, I will think about how to do it... :) Pacifier... Pacifier... Finally you are back!!!

The sling and cap that I had with me after the lost!
7 pacifiers that we bought, none of them is in favour of Annabelle....

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Last year, I was about 7 months into my prenancy when I celebrated Mother's Day for the first time. This year, I didn't expect anything for this Mother's Day as I know that Annabelle is still very small to know what does it means by "Happy Mother's Day".

On the Friday before the Mother's Day actual celebration day, my baby sitter auntie said that Annabelle has a present for me. The moment I reached home, I opened the envelope. Gosh! So sweet and lovely, Annabelle give me a card. Though the card was drawn by auntie, the signing off was done by Annabelle (you can noticed it in the photo). I am loving the card so much... Thank Annabelle baby.

On the Sunday mass, the church's youth has dedicated a song to all mummies and the priest has blessed us too. I have even taken a photograph at the arch that was dedicated for mummies for phototaking...

It is indeed a good way to remember Mother's Day 2012...

The front cover of the card

The inside of the card. Big note to Annabelle's writing.

Happy Mother's Day

Friday, 11 May 2012

Her first "Stroll-Along Walker"

Last weekend, Annabelle was trying to push the dining chair from the dining hall to the hall. She has used it as a guide (sort of as a stroller-walker). It struck me and Ivan that we need to buy a stroller/walker to assist her or give her the confident in walking.

I researched online and also bump into one of the mummy's post on Mummies Connects that she say her boy used it and it is pretty worth it though she got it as a pressie from her friend. Because of its price which is slightly on the high side, I told Ivan that we KIV it first.

Monday evening, we need to go to Tesco to get some stuff. In the toy section, we saw the stroller/ walker that we wanted. Funny thing is there were no price attached to it, Ivan said:"Take and have a price scan to check the price."... "Da... da..... the price is just within our little budget , we decided let's get it though the quality is not as good as those that is selling at "RMXXX"..." The best thing was, Annabelle seems knowing that we are getting that for her; she looked a little impatient and turning her head all the time (when she was at the shopping cart) to look down to check if the walker box is still there. Oh my god!, I can imagine when she grow a little older; I think I need to refrain to bring her to toy section too often... but again, this is how a child grow.. with toys..

Check out how she start using it the night we reached home. Though she was not too confident then, now she is so happy using it/ showing off to us by even holding it with one hand and walking...

"Annabelle... Annabelle... cute little baby!"

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Climbing time...

New hobby for Annabelle...

She used to just crawl from the living hall to the dining hall and hold on to the satefy gate near the kitchen and observe what I do if I am in the kitchen. Lately, Annabelle has mastered the skills to climb the stairs steps. She has done it pretty confident and there was once she has completed the whole journey from the first step to the last step of the stairs. OH yes, it is time to install another safety gate.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Da... Da... Da... PA... pa... pa...

I really need to pen this down before I forget. Annabelle has grown so much that sometime I hope my post will be automatically posted when I have the taught in my mind... (Mission Impossible!, hahaha)...

Annabelle started to say "dada" when she was 7.5 - 8 months old. In Tamil, the pronounciation of dada means grandfather actually. In my mind, if my late father-in-law heard this; sure Annabelle will be kissed, hug and love to the maximum. Anyway, when she first said that; we were very happy and the father even say: "call me.. dada.. .daa..dad...". I once laughed at him:" Oh, dada is you, when she says a... a.. , yu yu... all others also you??!!" The father give me the stare and smiled.

In the past one week, she started saying "pa.. pa..." though it was not too clear but she will utter this word on and off when she is in her mood. Oh yes, the papa is at the top of the world when he heard that that day.

Listening to her first word and sometime some baby words that come out from her mouth adds lots of laughter and smiles on our faces. It also indicate to us that Annabelle is growing up so quickly. :)

I wondering when she will say: "mummy...."....