Before my memory faded with more things around me, I need to update this blog with the precious moments about Annabelle.
Annabelle has grown up so much that ...
... She becoming more active and energetic in her activities and movements. For example, she do not need to be assisted when jumping into the mini play-gym pool in the house. "1..2..3..." she is already into it.
... She also has acquired more vocabulary of words even when the door bell ring, she will answered: "Coming...", "Go Down", "Don't Want", "No.. No.."
... She is cheeky with all the funny faces and expression she made
... Almost all her teeth fully emerged except for the two molars set at the back.
Some Updates (Month of October 2012)
See how she enjoyed her rides... |
Rides with "Banana in Pyjamas" on
Papa & Mummy Anniversary |
We celebrated our 4th years wedding anniversary with Annabelle on 4 October 2012. (Hint: To see how the couples celebrated: We had good time together at Setia City Mall where Annabelle has some kids rides. Annabelle enjoyed the rides so much that she can go on it for twice and we had to stop her for 3rd and 4th times. There goes all our coins... :p
Some Updates (Month of November 2012)
Eating rice with a fork?! Can?! |
Annabelle learning how to use fork and spoon. We let her had her first hand onto it with the actual cutlery instead of baby fork and baby spoon. She is pretty good at it and in fact we were worried at first that she can't managed fork well but she is good at it.
Yes! The messiness started and this means more work for me, but it is okay. This is the right time for her to explore on fork and spoon.
Some Updates (Month of December 2012)
Delicious! Yummy! |
Handy Little Helpers |
Woo.. Woo.. My Christmas gift from papa & mummy |
Family Picture |
Hoo... Hoo.. Hoo... Santa is coming to town!!! This year, we didn't bring Annabelle to the mall like last year to snap photos though I heard from friends that some places had nice decorations. It is because I am "heavily" pregnant and just in case baby decided to arrive early. But this does not stop us from putting up the Christmas tree at home. This year, Annabelle was helping me in putting up the ornaments while recalled last year she was only 5 months old. How time flies!!!
On the Christmas eve, we had a good lunch at home followed by gift exchange. Gosh! You should see the amount of presents she receives and the excitement of her face.
Some Updates (Month of January 2013)
The long awaited January has arrived. Abigail has arrived! Annabelle has been promoted to "jie jie" ~ sister on the 3rd January 2013. I had followed some advice from articles and books that to buy some gift for Annabelle as the gift is giving by the sister to her. Friends and relatives ask me, "How is Annabelle with the sister?" I guess this is a good answer to all, "Annabelle is learning how to become "jie jie"~sister, she is doing fine!"