Monday, 22 July 2013

Belly Crawl - Our Princess - Abigail

I remembered blogged about Annabelle's belly crawl~her first crawl not too long ago. Now, it is time I am writing for Abigail. See how, time is telling me; my daughters are growing up very fast but I Thank God for His grace that Abigail is growing well too.

Not long after Abigail mastered her turnover skills, she is able to crawl on her belly at 6 months 2 weeks old (~ if I am not wrong!). This milestones achivement is a great celebration and a leap of achievement for Abigail but it is also marked the start of "headache" for the me and Ivan.

Abigail did the same movement as Annabelle, the commando crawl. She was quite fast in mastering this skills and the moment she is put on the floor, the next minutes she is on her belly and the next minutes she is on the floor from the play-mat.

Abigail loves the coolness of the floor and she will normally crawl out from the mat towards the floor. What I used to worry was, "If she will knock herself onto the floor?"; but Abigail has demonstrated a good skills that reduced my worries. This is because, Abigail is good in sensing the surface of the floor is hard; when she needs to rest her head she does it very gentlely and slowly.

But, she developed a bad habit. She will crawl towards the chair/ sofa and will like to move herself slowly under the chair/ sofa. Just yesterday, I came out from the kitchen; looking and searching for her, all that I saw was her head but both her legs are under the chair. Do not ask me how she went in? "I do not know!" She just like to do that.

Oh yes, when we carried her or removed her from place where she can't be; the outcome will be a crying baby. That is what Ivan papa said this morning to me: "It is time to discipline Abigail!"... :)
A photo taken at the trip in the hotel. See how she
likes to put herself under the chair/sofa or the
coffee table
Conclusion, the papa and mummy are now very busy watching over a crawling baby and a toddler who actively jumping and climbing. You can imagine how busy we can be daily evening and during the weekend. But all these are some of the fun things we need to do as parents. :) We will continue enjoy it.