Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Our Family ~ 1st Photobook (Hot from the Oven!)

Hot from the Oven! Our Family ~ 1st Photobook. As a person who involved in ICT teaching, I still prefer to flip through pages of photos for precious moments instead of turning on the i-gadget or laptop. How about you? 

Anyway, click the link, spend few moments with us.. Our Family ~ 1st Photobook -

Hope you enjoy it... :)

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

She can stands & walk (assisted) - Our Princess - Abigail

Month by month, day by day; every day I told myself that I need to update Abigail's blog; but I just overload with work and other stuff. Today, no matter how, you will be able to read a full post about her.

Abigail can stand with assistance at about 9 months old. To be frank, she is quicker in achieving her milestones than sister probably she gets to see what others and her sister is doing or she would like to be able to stand (walk later) quick so that she can join them in a group or during their playtime.

Then about 2 weeks ago, she can walk while holding onto something from one place to another. We are so pleased that she is able to do that. I had given the same stroller walker to Abigail (the same that sister used when she practised how to walk last time) so that she can use it to practice walker, but Abigail was a little reserved using it. She prefers to use a chair and push around. Ah... after all every child is different! All that we want to see is that they achieved their milestone safely... :)

See, how nicely I can stand ya!

"I am standing here, waiting for papa to come home from work!"

She like this. Pick up something and drop it and pick it up again! Funny!