Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Hoo.. .Hoo... Hoo... Is Christmas Time!

The month of December is the happiest month for the kids. The girls have been asking us to put up the Christmas tree as they saw trees and decorations are up in the shopping mall and shops around town. 

Last Sunday evening, mission accomplished. The trees are up and the crib are set. Now, I need to acknowledged that the mission is done with effort from both of my girl and my dear husband. Decorating Christmas is a huge mission and it must be done in sequence of steps. I bet you knew it! But this process will be much more meaningful when we did it as a family. Now you read the following conversations.

Annabelle said: "Mummy, you spread out the trees branches, while I go and help Papa with the crib!"

Annabelle asked Abigail: "Mei Mei, do you know which one is Mother Mary?" while they tried to lay out all the characters of the Nativity set on the coffee table. 

Annabelle told : " Mummy, can you please go. We can do the decorations!".  While she put the decorations, she said this to mummy.

Abigail said: "Mummy, I want to put the stars." Annabelle said : "Abigail ma, we put together ok!"

Papa said: "Go take shower, we pray before putting the star. OK?" . The girl nodded. 

Right! These are our little conversations while putting up the Christmas tree. We pray together before putting the stars on top of the Christmas tree... I personally find this is very meaningful and lovely. What say you? 

Monday, 23 November 2015

Her Achievements (4 years old) @ Tadika Santa Anna

She shed some tears in the beginning of the schooling year. We rewarded her using stars chart & reward system if you could recall. Before the chart was filled with stars, she has already overcome the going school anxiety. Beginning of the school year, she Zzzz in class but in just one month; she has adjust herself and is able to stay awake and focus in class. Bravo! This is our girl ~ Annabelle.

Then, moving on along the year; she experiments many new experiences in the school. She will come home and asked me to pack for her a toothbrush, a small towel and a mug. This is for a good practice that the school instil for oral health. Isn't it a new experience.

Then, she start bringing back some cards from Chinese New Years wishes card to Raya decorated card. She presented her first songs of Happy Mother's Day to me which I tear and hug her dearly.

The school year carry on, she came and told me one day "Mummy, my friend XX does not want to "friend" me!" "Mummy, I am sad because she played with everyone except for me!" (mind you, she stressed EXCEPT FOR ME!). I used to console her and encourage her just before bed time that said: "Never mind, one day, she will play with you." . "You just continue to say Hi and be polite to her." Now, she and XX good friend.

I used to worry if she can handle herself well at school especially during toilet use and I constantly checked that with the School Principal which is Ivan's auntie. (How fortunate we are!) The feedback I received was, she can handle it very well and she is doing it by herself with minimal guidance from the teacher assistance. She attended her first field trip in school. She came home telling me the stories and what she encounter there.

Days by days, she goes to school and came home. Her response still the same "Fun, Nice, Good..." (Oh yes, that's all!). I used to doubt and just love to hear more.

In the 3rd quarter of the year, another mother in the center share with me; I came to know that they sat for examination. OMG! She did not utter a word at all about it. Oh no.. is everything ok?

Today, this girl has emerged as the "First and Overall Best Pupil" in N1 Bunga Raya class. This is a surprise for me and of course Ivan. She did so well. We are so proud of her. She is humble about it and actually still doubtful why she receive prize on the prize giving ceremony. When I asked her, "Annabelle, do you know why you receive prize?" She just smiled and answered: "Because I good girl!"... This is so innocent.

2015 school year was indeed fun-filing and experiential for her. I can testify by seeing the photograph that the school principal captured along the year. We are so happy with her progress. The school may not be the top kindergarten around Klang area, but they have provided the best they can do for the children.
some of their class's Arts & Crafts

Dance - they have performed and did very well

Teacher Manjit and their students 

Her school has provided Computer classes. These cert is her achievement.
The assessment record is the result of her computer classes. Automatically capture along the year. 

Great remark from the teacher. We are so pleased. 

Her achievement over 2015. Bravo and well done our princess. 

We sincerely thank Tadika Santa Anna for their effort. 
Teacher Manjit; I thank you for your passion and patient in handling each kid. 
Teacher Rita, your name is always mentioned by Annabelle; your kind assistance and attention to her are appreciated by us. 
Teacher Wong老师, my daughter has developed her interest in Mandarin and very keen in attending Chinese School, Thank You 老师.   

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

"Nature is ONE of the Teacher"

One and half month ago, as I was planning the final charity project for my department. We have decided and gotten the approval to visit the Orang Asli Kampung on 3 Oct 2015, I have this question: "Should I bring both the girls?" in my mind. I have decided to bring the children as Ivan has agreed to come along the trip.

Two weeks before the event, Ivan has to say NO to that as his office has a training in Genting. Again, the thought running in my mind; "Should I bring both of them?". It was then along a conversations with Annabelle and Abigail that firmed up my decision.
****One fine afternoon****
"Abigail, you better tidy up your toys else mummy will pack them and give it to the poor children." said mummy.
Annabelle said:"Mummy, is it the poor children of the home that we visited last time." 
Mummy smiled and answered: "Yes".

So, the trip was held last Saturday. Both of them were well behaved and got up very early. After settled everything, buy one thosai for them to eat in the car; we are on the road to college to meet my students. On the way, I give them stern advice that they need to listen to me, don't run about in the village. They both nodded with thosai in their mouth. :)

The journey got excited when Abigail saw the bus arrived and parked. This is going to be her first bus ride. You should see the joy on her face. Annabelle was excited too, she was very friendly mingling with my students and addressing all of them "Jie Jie" "Kor Kor".

Fast forward the story, we reached Banting (travelling through the haze), the Orang Asli Kg. on time. We were welcomed with the special hand crafted crown, Annabelle loved it and feel shy when the crown was put on her head.

We explored all activities that the Orang Asli did ranging from menyumpit, anyaman daun, visiting the ancestor home and etc. All these activities was an eye opener for me and definitely my students.

The highlight of this blog post was not the activities but on what Annabelle and Abigail did during the trip. The witnessed the kids at the village playing inside the drain (it is very clean and dry). They played and chased around the compound. Both of them make friend with the local kids, who one of them named Meele. They hold hand, walk together. Meele gave flowers to her on the way walking around the kampung area.

I smiled when my colleague told me, Meele called Annabelle "Jie Jie". When I heard, Abigail called the local boy of her age "Annae"...

Annabelle and Abigail were sweating running, playing catch-catch, swing on the tree, opening and closing the door and windows of the hut that are in the kampung. Really a joy to see them enjoying themselves.

This trip give both of them a good experience. They know the life of living out from the city area where they are in. They making friends with others despite different races and cultures. They learnt how to respect others.

More important; mummy and papa make a right choice to bring them along for the trip :) HoooHoo... 

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Is Papa & Mummy 7th Wedding Anniversary (是爸爸和妈妈结婚七周年)

I have updated this blog, translated it into Chinese writing so that my father and mother can read it :) 

你要怎么祝福我们? 妈咪问。
Annabelle 开心的重复那几句: “乐,AnniversaroiAnniversali?".....

如果不是因为我们在7年前的决定,在我们的主耶稣面前宣誓要成为夫妻。这些对话是不可能的我们很感谢上帝在过去的7年。谢谢你给了我一个机会- Ivan,我最亲爱的丈夫。他是上帝献给我的一个礼物。在过去的10,他带来地欢乐,幸福,以及无条件的爱我



Amma, 那一天当你告诉,叫我,而不是阿姨我高兴死了!
“Akka Priscilla,我记得你的婚礼,你实在最棒!谢谢你!


“Annabelle and Abigail,当你可以多年以后阅读这篇文字,你就会知道,爸爸妈妈庆祝结婚周年,上帝祝福我们很多. 此外如果没有你己故THATHAG-MA,公公和婆婆; 爸爸妈妈也不会有今天。所以,女孩请记住,不管在什么情况下,你需要记住主耶稣与你的父母。感恩!

"Annabelle, today is papa and mummy wedding anniversary!", said mummy.
"How you are going to wish us?" asked mummy.

"Happy Father's Day? Happy Mother's Day?" said Annabelle. Mummy just smiled while dressing her up.
"No, ma..! You must say, Happy Anniversary."

"Happy, Anniversaroi?" Happy Anniversali?"... hahaha... it was really a very nice beautiful Sunday (taking away the haze).

These conversations is not possible if  not because our decision 7th years ago to vow in front of our Lord to be husband and wife. We are so thankful to God for the past 7th year. Thank you for giving me a chance to meet Ivan, my dearest husband. He is a gift to my life. He brought joy, happiness into my life as well as he has love me so dearly and unconditionally for the past 10th years.

We built our family with the presence of our princesses. He is a good papa and continue to be a good husband. I could not asked for even more. Once this thought ran into my mind, "I knew I did not marry a wrong man when he can washed the house toilet for me, bath the children when I am busy with other set of housework, he will do anything to ensure we are safe.!" What else I am asking for? Right?

My tears flowing down when I recall the following. How God has blessed us. Thank HIM not enough.

"Pa, I can still recall the walking down the aisle in church on my wedding with you holding my hand."

"Ah mi, thank you for inviting Ivan for the first dinner at our house with open heart and accepted your first non-Chinese son-in-law.

"Ma, I am overwhelmed with joy the day you told me, called me "Amma" instead of "Auntie".

"All my sisters, thank you for standing by our side along our years being together."

"My one and only sister-in-law, I remembered your wedding speech; you rock!! Thank you!"
Papa, thank you for this moment. "爸爸,谢谢你"

Ah mi, 喝茶. "谢谢你, mummy!"

We rocked that night!

Happy Day.. 

Jesus, you stood in the center of this marriage. Continue to bless us. 

The Vincent Family.

The Ivan Tharmaraj Family 

Presenting to you, our happy family. 

"Annabelle and Abigail, when you can read this blog post many years later; you will know that papa mummy celebrated wedding anniversary with Lord God in our heart. Papa mummy will not have today if not because of your G-ma, late thata, Popo & Gong Gong." So, girls, please keep that in your mind that not matter at what situation, you will need to remember your God and your parents. 
