Counting now, our girl has grown so much. Annabelle is already 3 years 4 months and Abigail will turn 2 years old by 3 January 2015. The sisters are growing up very well together. They will ask for each other and look out for each other. Obviously there are time that they fight and also screaming at each other, but they are just so loving to each other.
Year 2014, Annabelle grow to be an elder sister who really knows her responsibilities. She has achieved a biggest milestones of diapers free. She is becoming more aware of herself. She will ask me questions such as...
"Mummy, I want to grow up like you!"
"Mummy, can I wear this?" ~ while pointing at the panjabi suit that I am using.
"Papa, can I follow you to the shop?"
"Mei Mei, you do like Jie-Jie, squat down!" ~ while showing her sister how to do it by action...
"Bunny (our pet rabbit), you better listen to mummy; else mummy bring ruler for you."
However, even she has grown up so much; she will not fail to say this to me:
"Mummy, can you sleep with me until I slept. You can go sleep with papa!"
"Mummy, I love you!" ~ while snuggled on the bed next to me.
"Papa, can you carry me like "Hush Little Baby"?"...
So loving she is...
For Abigail, she is growing up just like the sister. She does sound like her sister too, which at time; Ivan and myself have difficult to differentiate who says those words. :)
Abigail too achieved her milestones gradually. She is still learning how to speak clearly, but she can understand all that you said. Many months, I have to reprimand her because she loves to cry... she cried when she woke up, she cried when I bath her, she cried when I refused to turn on her favourite DVD... and so on.. Probably it was just like me, like my ah-pa said: "she is just like you when you were young, cry a lot!!!"
As she grows, Abigail is much calmer now. She will and still learning how to be more patient in waiting for her milk, her turns to play her toys and etc. But one thing for sure, we love her loving voice when she speaks...
"Pa... pa..." when the father come back from work and she will run towards him.
"Ma ... ma.. (for some reason, she called me mama more often than mummy), what is this?"
"Jie ... jie...share.. share..!"
Year 2014 has been very kind to all of us thus, we have achieved two big achievements as a family unit.
(1) We have moved into our home.
(2) We (I) have received my Master degree finally...
In this year, we have learn to know people around even more. We have many people to thank for this year. I will not mentioned it one-by-one as I believed you know who you are.
As I am writing, I will not forget my dearest husband, darling Ivan Vincent. This year was challenging for me and you. But we have sail it through together and will do it together for years to come.
Thank you for saying this.
"B, thank you for the dinner. It was satisfied!" (after finishing all dishes on the table)
OK... hope by maintaining one blog rather than two will be easier for my update now.
So, you who are reading, thank you so much too for following us for the year. Stay tune for more :)