Friday, 5 June 2015

Annabelle 1st Sports Day - 23 May 2015

Sports Day... Marching ... Games ... Finish Line... Prize...

Annnabelle's first sports day was held on the 23 May 2015. The day started very well.. She is well set to school and settled into the classroom.

This day, papa and mummy needs to be volunteer. We are helping out Madam June Josephine, the principal of Tadika Santa Anna. Mr. Ivan Vincent is the MC of the day and Mrs. Ivan Vincent is the PIC on the sound and music console corner. 

Beautiful weather, colourful flags, cheers, parents, students, teachers ... are geared up for this event.

As Annabelle marched into the field, we felt very proud of her. She did well... while the warm up session, a small "incident" happened. I saw Annabelle cried while another boy in the class too were crying... Oh Oh... "dominos effect?" I tried very hard to calm her down.. I was blur, not knowing the reason why she cried. Could it be she is hungry or she saw us?

The next moment after this was her event, riding the deer and start the race called "Oh...Deer..Oh ... Deer" With her sobs, tears in the eyes, she started the race and she ended it too... We were happy and proud of her. (Yes, to be honest to you; initially I was a little disappointed with this incident, but I told myself; it is okay she is still very young. A 3 years 10 months old girl.) 

The day went on well. Annabelle was laughing, joining the cheers and played with her classmates. The dedicated MC and "Console Corner Woman" are working well as partner.  Wondering where is Abigail? She is well taken care by the daycare auntie and uncle at the VIP seats. :) 


The sports day ended at 11.30am. Annabelle's red team received 4th place in the event. She got a prize. She is happy with it.

(Conversations in the car on the way home: 
Mummy asked: "Annabelle, why did you cry?"
Annabelle answered: "Mummy, it is just an accident."
Mummy comforting her partly while lecture her and say : "Sometime, papa and mummy may not be available with you, but you are independent enough to handle it. So, be a good girl. Don't make anymore accident like that.") 

Not everyone is a WINNER in the sports day, so the most important thing is the PROCESS:) 

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