Friday, 15 March 2013

BF Journey

BF short for Breastfeeding. This acronym should be familiar to most breastfeeding mother.

I started my BF journey back in August 2011 when Annabelle was born. The journey was not too pleasant and rather bumpy at the start as I had sore nipples, low in milk supply, no breast pump at the initial point and also lack of knowledge of BF. But after a period of time, I was okay with this experience and I breastfed Annabelle till she reached 11 months old. She weaned herself from BM - breastmilk.

But for the second pregnancy, I am more prepared and excited about the BF journey. Thus far, I am quite happy with what I am doing. I fully BF Abigail and did not supplement with formula milk for the past two months. I am able to produce more milk this time round and I do have two weeks of breast milk stock in the house freezer. Talking about milk stock, I was very happy that I had produced over 100 begs of BM. A big Hooray for myself! I told Ivan that I will continue this journey till the day that Abigail wean herself from BM. I just hope that with my BM, Abigail will continue to grow to be healthy and happy! :)

I started building my BM stock on the
2nd week into my confinement 
I was very excited! Yield 5oz for the first time
(in comparison to the 1st pregnancy)

I had bundled 5 packets (average of 4-5oz)
into one, labelled it
so that daycare auntie will know
the sequence of date (FIFO).

We trained Abigail on bottle feeding too
beside DL (direct latch) her.
My first time experience able to extract ~7oz
in one pump.
Happy to the max!

See carefully on the batch number is No 20.
That means I had produced
100 packets of BM!!! Hooray!

A happy BF baby at 2mo!

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