Friday, 5 April 2013

Little Library & Writing Table

While shopping for books in Popular,
she sat down on the floor and flipping on the book
Everyone believed that reading has to be encouraged from young. I do believed in that. In order to start Annabelle on this good hobby, we had invested into an educational programme (if you heard about Grolier) and had set up a small library for Annabelle. When we got all the books through this programme, papa and mummy are very excited to arrange them onto the book shelf (the shelf is one of the item in the package). At the same time, I had 1Malaysia book voucher as I am still a student; I had utilised these voucher for her books.

Her small library

Initially, Annabelle didn't really touch the books there. I was quite worried if she is ever going to pick up a book. Yesterday, while she was watching Doc McStuffins, in one part of the show; it mentioned Moo-Moo. Annabelle got up and ran towards the shelf and pick up the blue tall big book (which is also her favourite) and open to the page showing cow and pointed onto it and say Moo-Moo, Cow! I am so pleased to see her doing it. I praised her!
Besides a library, we also got her a table and 2 stools. She loved to sit on the stool and peel the stickers given to her and stick it on the paper and of course now you can see that the sticker is stuck onto the stools too. She will also messed up the colour pencils and crayons that are in the box. She does not know how draw much, who are the one who drew the most was probably the Mummy, Papa, Grandmother and the Godma. But I guess it is fine, as long as this setup give her an idea that she can use this table for writing.

Study Table & 2 Stools

1 comment:

  1. Wah...I think Sarah will be smiling the moment she sees Annabelle's Little Library. Grolier's books are fun to read!

    It is ok that Annabelle doesn't really know how to read and draw yet. As long as she has the little patience and "heart" sitting down to flip a book and doodle something, is good enuf!
    Sooner, the interest in reading and drawing will be increased.

    Another A+ for daddy and mommy is getting her to peel the sticker. Altho it looks like a simple activity, but it does improved her motor skill.
    So Annabelle bao bei, kept peeling and sticking the stickers, hehe.

    P/s: Have you seen my water bottle and Sarah's one? Is all full with stickers! Oh yea, the Daddy's one too!
